The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Leningrad Region, probe finished in assaults on paramedics

The Leningrad Region Office of the Investigative Committee has finished criminal proceedings against a man and woman charged with assailing medical workers. Depending on the role of each one they are accused of disorderly behavior using objects that can be used a weapon under Part 1, item “a” of Article 213 and battery under Article 116 of the RF Penal Code.

Investigators have established that on 22 April 2017, a paramedic arrived at a flat in Bykov Street in the settlement of Pavlovo, Vsevolzhsk District, Leningrad Region, where a company of men and women had been drinking alcohol. When the paramedic was treating one of the women, she attacked the paramedic by kicking her several times in the back.

On 27 April 2017, another paramedic arrived to attend a call in a house in the settlement of Romanovka, Vsevolzhsk District, Leningrad Region, to find there a drunk man and his wife. When the paramedic was helping the woman, her husband ordered his dog to attack the paramedic. The medical worker suffered bites to her right wrist.

The man was held and put in custody pending trial, while his wife was released on recognizance.

At present, the investigators have enough evidence so both criminal cases have been forwarded for the indictment to be signed and will then be referred to court. 

06 June 2017 10:06

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