The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Malpractice revealed during check in media reports on violation of rights in Priluzsky District, Komi

The Komi Office of the Investigative Committee has opened an investigation in abuse of office under Part 1 of Article 285 of the RF Criminal Code after a check ordered by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee into media reports on violation of rights of residents of Priluzsky District when they were being resettled from unsafe housing.

According to investigators, during implementation of a program of resettling residents from unsafe housing in Priluzsky District in 2016, as a result of violations by officials of the district administration, 5 flats in the settlement of Noshul were bought at overstated price. The municipal budget suffered a damage of over 1.7 million rubles.

Investigative operations are underway to find out all the reasons for and circumstances surrounding the incident, to get and document evidence.

07 June 2017 10:50

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