The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigators interrogating all involved in beating of girl in woods in southwestern Moscow

The Moscow Directorate of the Investigative Committee continues investigation in torturing of a girl by a group of her peers under Part 2 of Article 117 of the RF Penal Code.

As became known earlier, a group of girls severely beat their peer in the woods in southwestern Moscow. Investigators have information that some other kids were present and though not taking part in the beating, instead of separate the fighting, they caught the whole fight on their mobile cameras and posted the video on social media. The video went viral and caught attention of mass media and the public, and led to natural reaction of the Investigative Committee.

By now the investigators have revealed that the conflict was motivated by jealousy of one of the girls and took place on 2 June 2017. All those involved in the incident have been identified and are now being interrogated. The investigators are going to look into the situation most thoroughly and give impartial legal assessment to the actions of each participant and spectator of the beating – from the instigator to the author of the vide and the person who posted it online.

Children’s parents and school staff are going to be summoned to the Investigative Committee. The investigators are going to check the role of schools, controlling bodies and other services responsible for prevention of crimes among minors and proper raising of children. Their actions (omission) are going to receive a just legal assessment.

The investigators are also going to check if actions of mass media who spread the video showing violence against a child are in line with the law.

Official spokesperson for the RF Investigative Committee                                                                        S.L. Petrenko

07 June 2017 13:07

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