The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin sends telegram congratulating veterans, employees of Investigative Committee and its educational institutions on Russia Day

I sincerely congratulate all government officials, employees, students and cadets of the RF Investigative Committee, veterans of investigative authorities and their families on the Russia Day!

This holiday is the symbol of national unity, freedom and independence of our country. It unites our citizens in their sincere desire to make Russia a strong, successful and prosperous state.

Employees of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continue and increase fine traditions of their predecessors. Under complex conditions they often risk their lives to efficiently protect constitutional rights of citizens and their interests and to fight crimes.

I am sure that each employee of the Investigative Committee is going to be a model of professionalism, courage, duty and honor, a faithful guardian of justice and wellbeing of Russian citizens contributing to stabilization of sociopolitical situation in the country, its dynamic development on the way of democracy and progress.

We love our homeland with all our hearts, we are proud of its success and we are going to do everything to keep its greatness and add to the its glory.

I wish you health, happiness, wellbeing and success in serving Russia!

Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee

General of Justice of the Russian Federation                                                                                             A.I. Bastrykin 

12 June 2017 09:07

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