The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin meets Chairman of State Duma’s Defense Committee Vladimir Shamanov

Alexander Bastrykin, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee has met today in Moscow Vladimir Shamanov, the Chairman of the State Duma’s Defense Committee, president of all-Russian NGO Russian Association of Heroes and Hero of Russia.

The meeting was also attended by president of all-Russian NGO Outstanding Military and Naval Commanders of the Fatherland Alexander Sukharev, member of the Moscow Trade and Industry Chamber Svetlana Shamanov, CEO of OOO Patriot Publishing House Valentina Kosheleva and editor-in-chief Andrei Loginov, president of all-Russian public and governmental organization DOSAAF (the Voluntary Society for Assisting the Army, Air Force and Navy) Colonel General Alexander Kolmakov.

The main item on the agenda of the meeting was cooperation with NGOs engaged in patriotic education of the younger generation, preparation to military service and promotion of this work.

Mr. Bastrykin reminded of the results that had been achieved in this area and noted that such organizations as DOSAAF and Patriot Publishing House were highly valued by the Investigative Committee, which has a whole educational system which starts with school age, this is why the assistance of representatives of the agencies presented at the meeting, the experience they have were very important for raising the youth. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee outlined an important task of reviving traditions of DOSAAF and expressed readiness to assist in restoring the association.

He added that at present we are literally fighting for the younger generation, for their good future, and cited Russian classic and thinker Leo Tolstoy: “If bad people unit, the good ones just have to do the same.” It is united efforts and joint work in this area that have results – reviving patriotism, respect and continuity of the Russian State’s glory. Mr. Shamanov supported the Chairman saying that patriotism was always the backbone of our spirituality.

The parties exchanged opinions on a number of conceptual topics and discussed some important problems that had to do with distorting the history of the Russian state and appreciation of national values by the younger generation. Participants of the meeting also noted the necessity of determining certain strategic prospects for further patriotic education of the younger generation which should by all means include educational process at schools and various clubs, patriotic campaigns and massive promotion of duty of the defender of the homeland.

In conclusion the participants agreed to set up a working group to develop and approve a cooperation prospect plan.

Those in attendance came to a conclusion that consistent, devoted and systematic work in this area has exceptionally positive effect on moral development of our young fellow citizens and stronger public and governmental positions in general

Official spokesperson for the RF Investigative Committee                                                                 S.L. Petrenko

13 June 2017 16:02

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