The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin on working meeting with Patriarch Cyril at Patriarch’s residence in Danilov Monastery to discuss remains found in Yekaterinburg

A meeting has been held by Patriarch Cyril at Danilov Monastery to discuss identification of remains found in the city of Yekaterinburg. The meeting was attended by the delegation of the Investigative Committee headed by Chairman Alexander Bastrykin, as well as members of a special church commission for studying the results of examining the remains headed by metropolitan Varsonofy of Saint Petersburg and Ladoga.

The meeting heard interim reports made by representatives of the Investigative Committee and experts on the progress of examinations as part of the investigation.

The Russian Orthodox Church highly appreciates impartial investigation run into identifying the remains as those authentic of the royal family.

Considering the Church’s wish to have guarantees against any mistakes, the Investigative Committee ordered a complex of examinations, including historic, DNA and anthropological ones to unquestionably identify the remains. 

14 June 2017 17:37

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