The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin takes part in events dedicated to memory and sorrow day

22 June 1941 is one of the saddest dates in the history of our country, the day when the Great Patriotic War Started. On that day, citizens of the Russian Federation and many other countries, which remember and respect historical heritage, feel sorrow and pride for the heroic deed of those who gave everything they had for the peace we have now. Despite cultural and language barriers, the war will always divide those who pursue personal interests and unit those who protect their homeland. This is why we won that war.

The Investigative Committee respects heroic deeds of all participants of the war: officers and civilians who helped in the frontline and rear front, wives and mothers who saw their loved ones go to the war and saw them get back, who didn’t doubt or stop believing that “our cause is the right one, we’ll defeat the enemy and we’ll win.”

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee and its staff have attended today the events held in the Moscow Region to revere that day. Speaking about unflinching spirit of the united nation, Mr. Bastrykin said:

“The Great Patriotic War continued for 1,418 days and nights. Our country held out and won thanks to unflinching will power, fortitude and perseverance of the Soviet people. In the sieged Leningrad, around Moscow and Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge, protecting every inch of their homeland, soldiers and officers proved each day to the whole world that they would never give up and would never be defeated.

The Soviet Union suffered enormous losses. The war came to each family, each house and determined fates of many generations. We worship heroes who protected freedom and independence of their homeland. They had to endure the most difficult times, but nothing broke their will to win.

Each day of the war went down to history as a model of greatness of spirit, courage, love and loyalty to the country and its people. Participants of the Memory Line campaign lighted 1,418 candles on Krymskaya Embankment in Moscow to commemorate each day of the great and selfless deed of the Soviet people. In all cities and villages of our great country people place flowers and candles to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to pay respects to the fallen heroes who gave their lives to give us, their descendants, be alive and live.

We will always honor the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, mourn the killed and defend the truth about this war. We can’t measure the losses and casualties, this is why we should always remember those horrible days and make everything possible to prevent one of the most tragic events in the history of humanity from repeating itself.

Let this day be an eternal reminder of great unity of the people before a common enemy which allowed them to hold out in internecine battle, to deliver the world from fascism and save millions of human lives!”

22 June 2017 17:00

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