The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Man who tried to discipline another’s child by criminal methods in Priozyorsk gets sentence

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Leningrad Region Office of the Investigative Committee as sufficient to convict Vladimir Belsky. He was found guilty of disorderly behavior using objects that can be used as weapons under Part 1, item “a” of Article 213 and battery under Article 116 of the RF Criminal Code.

On 9 March 2017 two children had been playing near a road shooting from a toy gun at passing cars in the town of Priozyorsk, Leningrad Region. Belsky angered by their behavior ran over one of the boys, then got out of the vehicle and used violence against him. He forced the boy to kneel down and held him in this position until policemen arrived.

After the incident had been reported to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, he ordered his subordinates in Leningrad Region to detain the man in the shortest possible time and thorough look into the crime. Belsky was detained during the probe.

The evidence suggest that the children’s actions posed no threat to either the man or his vehicle, while his aggressive behavior on the contrary posed real threat and were aimed to demonstrate his superiority. It was a fortunate accident, that his maneuver on his SUV and running-down of the child did not have more serious consequences. Belsky’s further actions, when he forced the injured boy to his knees, hit him and refused to call an ambulance, only prove that he had committed the crime on purpose.

The court has given Belsky a suspended sentence of 1.5 years in prison and awarded 150 thousand rubles of damages to the injured party.

Spokesperson for the Investigative Committee                                                                                     Svetlana Petrenko

23 November 2017 15:07

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