The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Ivanovo Region, probe into death of four people in Puchezhsky elderly home finished

The Ivanovo Regional Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia completed the investigation into former director of the Puchezhsky residential facility for elderly and disabled people. He is accused of violation of the fire safety rules that entailed by negligence death of two or more persons (Part 3 of Article 219 of the Criminal Code of Russia), as well as of rendering of services that do not meet the safety requirements for lives and health of consumers and entailed by negligence death of two or more persons (Part 3 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of Russia).

According to the investigation, the former director of the facility failed to secure the required number of round-the-clock nurse duty stations; did not manage to provide for his subordinates’ complying with an instruction on actions in case of fire; allowed blocking of the escape routes and lacking of the required number of personal respiratory and vision protection equipment.

The violations resulted in death on the scene from carbon monoxide poisoning of two residents of the facility in the fire that occurred on September 15, 2017, in death from airways heat injuries of two more residents of the facility in a medical institution a few days after, and in infliction of bodily harm upon four residents of the facility.

The indictment on the case was approved; the investigation has been referred to the court to be tried on the merits.

28 December 2018 16:01

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