The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Lipetsk Region version of gas leak in collapsed house in Dankov prevailing

The Lipetsk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continue investigating a criminal case opened in a gas explosion in a house as a crime under article 216 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety standards during construction or other work).

In the afternoon of 24 October 2014, the explosion made ceilings collapse from 1st to 5th floors. A 26-year-old man and two elderly women were killed. A 20-year-old woman was taken to hospital with injuries. Ten more people received slight injuries.

According to investigators the epicenter of the explosion was a one-room flat No 15 on the 4th floor, where the killed 93-year-old mother and her 74-year-old daughter lived. They had used a four-burner gas cooker Rossiyanka manufactured in 1993. The cooker has been sent for tests. But a preliminary examination has shown that one of the burners was opened.

A number of necessary forensic expert examinations have been assigned. Investigative operations are underway to find all the circumstances of the incident. During the probe the investigators are going to study documents on emergency calls, service and repairs of gas networks and other technical documents confiscated from the facility manager and Dankov office of OAO Lipetskoblgaz.

The investigation is ongoing.

26 October 2014 13:38

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