The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The court elects preventive measures for suspects of illegal deprivation of freedom under the guise of medical rehabilitation in Leningrad Region

Leningrad Regional Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia continues investigating a probe into illegal deprivation of freedom of two and more persons launched under Paragraph G of Part 2 of Article 127 of the Criminal Code of Russia.

According to the investigation, workers of a network of private medical centers in Leningrad Region had been imposing services of alleged medical rehabilitation to citizens suffering from alcohol and other addictions. People had been placed in private homeownership equipped for collective living with clear violations of sanitary standards and coexistence rules. There they had been illegally restrained, while perpetrators had imposed their relatives with the necessity of long-termed detention and charged from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles monthly for allegedly provided services.

As it was reported earlier, five persons have been detained at suspicion of committing of the offence.

Today, on September 15, 2019, upon investigative motion, the court ruled to keep three of the detainees at custody, the fourth was subject to house detention. For the fifth investigator imposed travel restrictions and good behavior obligations.

The investigative actions required to define all the circumstances of the committed offense are being taken. The investigation is ongoing.

15 September 2019 21:02

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