The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin holds personal reception of citizens in Moscow

Personal reception of citizens of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia took place in Moscow. It was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Igor Krasnov, heads of a number of units of the Central Office, and heads and investigators processing probes and assessments of interest of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia. In total, the Chairman and the officers of the Committee received 13 persons from the Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chelyabinsk and Ivanovo Regions, and Moscow.

The majority of claimants’ reports were related to probes into the low-quality rendering of medical services; the claimants also reported red-tape of investigation.

A Moscow citizen reported that her partner had committed offences against sexual integrity of her children. The probe was returned to the investigative body several times upon the prosecutor’s instruction. The woman asked to take all required measures to refer the probe to court and announced her intent to challenge the prosecutor’s decision in court. Alexander Bastrykin clarified to the claimant all legal details she was interested in.

A family from the Republic of Tatarstan applied to the personal reception in relation with an extension of deadlines of the investigation into a fire in their house in Kazan, which inflicted death of a sister of the applicant and injuries of her another relative. The claimants noted that the suspects were yet to be identified. According to them, the arson version did not receive any proper assessment, and the involvement of a person that might be associated with the accident was not checked. Alexander Bastrykin instructed to refer the probe to the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia and to send an investigative team of the Main Investigations Directorate to Tatarstan.

During the reception, parents of many children from the Republic of Tatarstan complained about a low-quality investigation into the death of their 16-year-old daughter in 2018. The Mukhametzanovs family, apart from their own children, is also bringing up five adopted children. They told that they had brought their daughter to a hospital. However, there had been only an anesthetist who had called neither a surgeon nor a sonography specialist. He had ensured the parents that there was no danger and suggested they would come back in the morning. However, by this time, the girl had got sick and delivered by an emergency brigade to a hospital, then undergone surgery but passed away. The parents also could not agree with the results of a forensic examination carried out in Tatarstan. “Troubles and sorrow of other people is our concern,” Alexander Bastrykin said addressing the investigators. He heavily criticized the direction of the Investigations Directorate of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia reminded that earlier the investigators had been instructed not to carry out forensic examinations in the region of the accident for the sake of impartiality; however, in this case, the Tatarstan investigators did not follow the order. Alexander Bastrykin also noted that it was unacceptable to blame the parents who had allegedly delivered the girl to the hospital too late. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia instructed to transfer the probe into the girl’s death to the Central Office and to re-do the forensic examination in Moscow or in Saint Petersburg.

A man from Krasnoyarsk Region complained to Alexander Bastrykin about the low-quality investigation into the murder of his son in 2011 in the entrance hall of his own house. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia requested the preliminary results of the investigation and ordered to eliminate all violations within a month.

Another citizen of Krasnoyarsk Region could not agree with the termination of the probe into the death of his little son. The claimant believed that healthcare attendants must be brought to justice. From 2015, the boy had been under observation and treatment in a regional hospital. In 2017, he had died of brain swelling. The doctors claimed that the parents of the boy had applied for medical help too late. The father of the boy, in his turn, claimed that they had timely accessed the doctors and passed medical commissions; however, the diagnosis made by medical officers had been incorrect. Apart from that, he expressed mistrust to the forensic examination. Alexander Bastrykin instructed to refer the probe to the Central Office and to re-do the forensic examination in Moscow.

During the reception, another claimant from Krasnoyarsk reported that in 2017 he had been kidnapped and beaten by strangers demanding money. He suspected certain people who had been acting as an organized group; however, the claimant reported the red-tape in the investigation. Alexander Bastrykin instructed to refer the case to the Central Office of the Investigative Committee.

At the Chairman’s reception, a woman from Chelyabinsk Region told how two years ago her brother had been admitted to a specialized healthcare facility where he had been murdered by another patient. According to her, the incident had been allowed because of the medical personnel’s neglect of their duties but the investigation would not give a legal assessment to that. Alexander Bastrykin noted that such accidents tend to be caused by system failures, which lead to on-call duties not organized and alarms not working properly. The Chairman ordered to re-assess all circumstances of the case as soon as possible.

A woman from Ivanovo Region came to address Alexander Bastrykin to report a delay in the investigation into the death of her brother found bearing head injuries after a fire. The woman claimed that the person who had committed the crime stayed unidentified for a long time and that the investigation was suspended repeatedly. Alexander Bastrykin instructed to resolve the issues within a month.

In regard to the referral of a range of cases to the Central Office, the staff of the Tatarstan Republican Directorate and Krasnoyarsk Regional Directorate is to be reduced by several units. A range of investigators, forensic experts, and chiefs of various levels is to be suspended from their duties for the time of official inquiries. All claims have been acted upon.


Official spokesperson for the Investigative Committee of Russia S. Petrenko

25 September 2019 19:00

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