The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee of Russia holds a solemn event devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Forensics Service of Russia

Investigative Committee of Russia held a solemn meeting devoted to the professional holiday of forensics service officers of the Russian investigative system. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, his Deputy Igor Krasnov, Leading Expert at the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Yury Lekanov, Chairman of the National Association of Investigation Veterans Organizations Union of Investigation Veterans Vladimir Dontsov, heads and officers of the Main Forensics Directorate (Forensics Centre) of the Investigative Committee of Russia, investigative and forensic veterans of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, scientists of the Russian leading higher education institutions, students of Alexander Nevsky Cadet Corps and of the Moscow State Academy of the Investigative Committee of Russia. 

The service was established 65 years ago - on October 19 of 1954. Then the USSR Prosecutor General Roman Andreevich Rudenko signed Directive No 3/195 «On Operation of a Forensic Prosecutor».

The meeting was opened by a speech of the Head of the Committee. Alexander Bastrykin reminded the history of development of the forensic service and forensic science and underlined that at the end of the XIX century Eugeniy Fedorovich Burinskiy put a lot of effort to open in St. Petersburg a court laboratory that initiated the Russian forensic practice. Forensics continued developing during the hard war years and forensic specialists of blockaded Leningrad acted as professionals loyal to their duties and did their utmost to ensure search and collection of evidence.

The Chairman told about the present development of the Forensic Division of the Investigative Committee of Russia and equipment of our specialists and noted the high level of work demonstrated at the international level also. «We have an experience of use of forensic knowledge of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Belarus: when a major tragedy - terrorist act in a subway - occurred, our forensic specialists went there upon request of Belarus colleagues,» Alexander Bastrykin added and summarized that the perpetrators had been detained in the shortest possible time, as well as the required evidence had been proved.

Addressing the young generation, the Head of the Investigative Committee of Russia encouraged the young people to take after their older comrades present in the audience - legendary scientists and officers dedicated to their duties, to build understanding of civic duty not only at service but also in the regular life.

The Head of the Committee noted the role of the Main Forensics Directorate (Forensics Centre) of the Investigative Committee of Russia in ensuring well-coordinated and competent operation of forensic specialists and experts of the unit. Alexander Bastrykin thanked all the officers for their decent service, efficient fulfilment of assigned responsibilities and readiness to provide prompt assistance to their colleagues, including those in remote regions.

Kind words and warm wishes were also pronounced by guests of the event who noted honest serving to the Motherhood, courage and bravery demonstrated by officers of the forensic unit of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia presented the Committee awards to a number of investigative and forensics veterans and noted their important contribution in this area of work. 

An exhibition of forensic equipment used daily was presented to the audience.

The meeting ended with a concert of the Academy students and the Committee officers - laureates of different prizes. 

A film on operation of the forensic service of the Main Forensics Directorate (Forensics Centre) of the Investigative Committee of Russia

18 October 2019 16:52

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