The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Omsk Region, managers of construction company to stand trial for swindling at natural disaster recovery action

The Omsk Regional Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has finished the investigation into Director of Road Construction Company LLC Sevak Saroyan, his relative Gnel Saroyan, and accountant Inna Kuplenik accused of committing offenses under Part 4 of Article 159 (swindling on an especially large scale committed by a group of persons under preliminary conspiracy) and Paragraphs A, B of Part 4 of Article 174.1 (legalization of monetary funds obtained illegally) of the Criminal Code of Russia.

The investigation was opened upon probe materials of the Omsk Regional Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

According to investigative data, with the purpose of personal enrichment, Sevak Saroyan, Gnel Saroyan, and Inna Kuplenik developed and implemented a plan to steal the money allocated by Omsk Region to relieve the consequences of a freshet in Znamensky Municipal District of Omsk Region in 2015.

Having signed on behalf of Road Construction Company LLC a subcontract agreement approximately for 43 million rubles with the winner of online tenders for said works worth over 50 million rubles, the state enterprise “Road Construction and Maintenance Directorate No. 5”, the members of the organized group gave the appearance of conducting the works on the objects (roads) and prepared as-built documents containing forged data on the amount of works conducted by Road Construction Company LLC on parts of the roads in Znamensky Municipal District.

Following that, the accused stole by deceit the budgetary funds on an especially large scale, worth 40.5 million rubles in total, transferred for the allegedly performed works and owned by the Omsk Regional Public Institution “Omsk Regional Public Roads Administration”. After that, for the purpose of the legalization of the stolen funds, the defendants had found a nominal company, signed subcontract agreements on behalf of Road Construction Company LLC, transferred 21,5 million rubles to the company's account, and further cashed it out and paid for purchased vehicles.

The investigation decided to keep the accused Saroyans in custody and the accountant under house arrest. During the investigation, Sevak Saroyan who pled guilty signed a pre-trial immunity agreement, while the other accused did not admit their guilt in the offenses. In order to compensate for the damage caused by the crime, the investigation has seized the property of the accused for a total of more than 24 million rubles.

Currently, indictments for the criminal cases have been approved and sent to court to be tried on the merits.

30 December 2019 12:39

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