Address of the reception office of the Investigative Committee: Moscow, ul. Pervaya Frunzenskaya, d 3a
Address for writtent applications: 105005, Moscow, Tekhnichesky Pereulok, 2
Today a federal channel discussed investigation of a probe into a man having committed an offense against his minor daughter in Kostroma Region. Participants of the discussion shared their versions of the incident. Alexander Bastrykin requested a report on the probe and instructed to thoroughly examine all arguments pronounced during the broadcast. The Kostroma Regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia is investigating a probe into a resident of one of regional centres under Paragraph B of Part 4 of Article 132 of the Criminal Code of Russia (other sexual actions committed through helpless state of a victim committed against a person under age of 14). The man has been charged and put into custody upon court ruling. At present the investigation is carrying out a number of forensic examinations and other investigative and procedural activities in order to obtain additional evidence of offense committed against a minor.
Alexander Bastrykin also requested a report on situation with families living in dangerous conditions in Prokopyevsk city of Kemerovo Region. According to media reports, families with children live in a dilapidated house repairing it at their own expense. The Regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia over Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass is inspecting the matter.
The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia ordered to report about a number of cases involving violation of children's rights. The Chelyabinsk Regional Investigative Department is inspecting the incident of a child receiving burns in a family. The minor was subsequently admitted to a hospital to be provided with required medical assistance. As local citizens have reported to mass media, in Yaroslavl Region a 5-year-old boy is not provided with any care while guardianship authorities are inactive.
Alexander Bastrykin also requested a report on investigation of a probe into disappearance of an 8-year-old boy in Krasnoyarsk Territory (Paragraph C of Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of Russia). The man who accompanied the boy from the yard was identified during investigative and search activities. Upon carrying out a set of urgent investigative measures, the investigation launched a probe into a 43-year-old man with previous criminal record under Paragraph E of Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of Russia (kidnapping). At present all circumstances of the incident are being established, in the nearest future the court will consider the motion of the investigation to put the man into custody.
Apart from that, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia requested a report on a probe into a Rostov Region police officer suspected of neglect of duty. The Rostov Regional Investigative Department is investigating a probe into district police officer of Zimovnikovsky district. He is suspected of of committing an offense under Part 2 of Article 293 (neglect of duty entailing by negligence death of a person). According to investigation, in the evening of January 1, 2021 the suspect failed to take comprehensive measures of reacting to complaint of a minor about illegal actions against her mother. As a result, the victim died of multiple knife stabs inflicted by her cohabitant.
The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia put investigation of the said probes and preliminary probes under supervision of the Central Office.