
In St. Petersburg, probes launched against Director General of Nevskaya Manufaktura accused of rendering of unsafe services and suspected of violation of requirements for maintenance and use of cultural heritage objects merged in one criminal proceeding

The St. Petersburg Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia continues investigation of a probe into former Director General of Nevskaya Manufaktura and his deputy charged and placed into custody for committing an offense under Paragraph C of Part 2 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of Russia (performance of works or rendering of services that do not meet safety requirements entailing by negligence death of a person). On May 14, 2021 this probe was merged with another probe into the said Director General suspected of  committing of an offense under Article 243.1 of the Criminal Code of Russia (violation of requirements for maintenance and use of cultural heritage objects).
According to the investigation, the accused, possessing a complex of non-living premises of the said institution, were fully aware of a number of fire safety violations detected during St. Petersburg EMERCOM inspections in 2020-2021 that recognized use of these premises as unsafe and therefore impossible. The violations committed resulted in the set of non-living premises catching fire on April 12, 2021 entailing death of a regional EMERCOM officer and infliction of severe health damage to two his colleagues.
Apart from that, from March 2019 to February 2021 the Director General of Nevskaya Manufaktura failed to fulfill building security requirements approved by State Control Committee for owned by him regional cultural heritage object – Building Complex of Tornton Wool Factory. He also ignored multiple EMERCOM requirements to eliminate violations of mandatory fire safety requirements. The illegal inaction of the suspect resulted in ignition that led to a fire at the regional cultural heritage object and infliction of a large-scale damage to it. Charges to be pressed are being decided upon.
The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia also continues investigation of a probe launched under Part 1 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of Russia (infliction of death by negligence).