The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin puts under supervision progress of investigation of a probe into a lawyer and her accomplice in the Republic of Mordovia

A federal channel broadcast a discussion of a story from the Republic of Mordovia about swindling committed by a lawyer and her accomplice. The broadcast voiced a request to take control of the investigation, as well as arguments that the criminal scheme continues to work even after the arrest of the suspects.

The Mordovia Republican Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia is investigating a probe into lawyer of the Imperia Prava Bar Association of the Bar Association of the Republic of Mordovia Yekaterina Istratova and her accomplice Irina Nosova. The women are accused of committing offenses under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of Russia (swindling). From July 2020 to February 2021 the accomplices by fraud and abuse of trust stole money from four residents of the Republic using an imaginary excuse of illness of a relative and the need for funds for treatment. In total, they have stolen over 4 million rubles. In that, three victims willing to provide help took bank loans. 

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia requested a report on the progress of investigation and put its progress under supervision of the Central Office. Alexander Bastrykin also instructed to examine all arguments pronounced during the broadcast. At present the suspects have been put into custody and charged. The criminal investigation is ongoing. 

02 June 2021 09:47

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