
In Omsk, after a collective appeal to the Direct Line with the President of the Russian Federation, criminal cases were initiated on negligence and violation of the rules for handling ecologically hazardous substances and waste

Basing on results of a preliminary assessment carried out in relation to a collective appeal of Omsk citizens to the Direct Line with the President of the Russian Federation and materials provided by prosecution bodies, the Omsk Regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia launched probes into authorities of Omsky Kauchuk OJSC under Part 1 of Article 247 of the Criminal Code of Russia (violation of the rules for handling ecologically hazardous substances and waste) and into improper performance of official duties by employees of the Siberian Interregional Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Nature Management (Rosprirodnadzor) under Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of Russia (negligence).

According to preliminary data of investigation, during several years the authorities of the Siberian Interregional Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Nature Management (Rosprirodnadzor), due to unscrupulous and negligent attitude to the service, did not control the execution of their own orders to eliminate violations of federal legislation in the field of ecology, issued to Omsky Kauchuk OJSC. According to the instructions, the enterprise had to stop operating the landfill, where liquid waste of aluminum hydroxide sludge belonging to the IV hazard class was placed, to carry out land management and reclamation of the disturbed lands. However, the Omsky Kauchuk OJSC ignored the requirements of Rosprirodnadzor, and from 2012 to the present, works on the reclamation of land plots containing at least 14 thousand tons of hazardous waste have not been carried out. The officials of Rosprirodnadzor, knowing that the enterprise did not comply with legal requirements, for a long time did not take measures to enforce them. According to the investigation, as a result of inaction, the rights and legitimate interests to a favorable environment of Omsk residents have been grossly violated.

At present, in terms of the probes, the investigators are carrying out seizures of documents, interrogations, searches and other investigative actions aimed to establish all circumstances of the committed offenses and responsible persons. The investigation is ongoing.