The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Tomsk Region, investigators are establishing all circumstances of the incident with An-28 aircraft

The West-Siberian Transport Investigations Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia has launched a probe under Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Russia (violation of rules for traffic safety and use of air transport).

According to investigation, on July 16, 2021 an An-28 aircraft was following the route Kedrovyi-Tomsk. According to preliminary data, the aircraft was carrying at least 13 passengers. At the estimated time, the aircraft crew did not get in touch at the point of Bakchar settlement. The last time the crew of the plane got in touch was at 4 PM local time. No marking of aircraft movement was observed. In 70 kilometres from Kedrovyi settlement of Tomsk Region an emergency beacon went off.

At present the location of the damaged aircraft has been found. The aircraft passengers and the crew members survived and will be evacuated in the nearest future.

The investigative team has departed to the scene. A set of investigative and procedural activities aimed to establish circumstances of the incident is carried out.

16 July 2021 15:09

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