The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of Russia take measures to restore violated rights of socially unprotected citizens

One of the priority areas of activity of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of Russia is the protection of the rights and freedoms of socially unprotected citizens: pensioners, veterans, orphans and others who, due to crimes committed or due to life situations that have occurred, to one degree or another cannot defend their legal rights and are forced to struggle with local bureaucratic obstacles for years.

The investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of Russia are taking measures to restore the violated rights of socially unprotected citizens not only within the framework of verification activities and investigation of criminal cases - the investigation also provides legal and practical assistance in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of those who applied for help.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin, repeatedly drew the attention of his subordinates to the fact that often an appeal to the Investigative Committee is the last chance for people to find justice.

The measures taken by the investigating authorities make it possible to achieve positive results in solving the problems of the applicants in many regions.

Thus, the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia was investigating a criminal case of negligence on the fact of improper performance by officials of the Ministry of Construction of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in connection with the exclusion from the queue of a resident of the Far North who had the right to receive a housing subsidy as part of the implementation of the federal programs. In the course of the investigation of the criminal case, as a result of the measures taken by the investigating authorities, the displaced person was reinstated in the queue of citizens and provided with living quarters.

It is worth noting that pensioners often become the victims of scammers who take advantage of the trust of the elderly. And the task of law enforcement agencies is to carefully and thoroughly investigate each case of violation of their rights. Thus, in the Volgograd region the investigators made every effort to restore violated rights of an elderly woman in the shortest possible time as part of the investigation of a criminal case against a 45-year-old man accused of committing fraud against an 80-year-old resident with the status of "Child of Stalingrad" who survived all the horrors of the Great Patriotic War. The accused, being the director of a commercial credit institution, gained trust in the 80-year-old pensioner and persuaded her to sign a pledge agreement for her living space. Subsequently, the victim learned that she lives in an apartment that no longer belongs to her, and the new owner is the director of a credit institution. Investigators of the regional investigative department of the investigative committee of Russia, together with operational officers of the FSB of Russia in the Volgograd region, managed not only to reveal the fraudulent scheme of the person involved in the criminal case, but also to return the victim's living space. The accused, who admitted his guilt in full, compensated for the damage caused, and the pensioner again officially acquired ownership of her apartment.

In addition, in September 2021, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia instructed the head of the Kirov Regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.P. Vinogradov to report on violations of the rights of a veteran of hostilities in Afghanistan, which were reported in the media. It was said that the veteran could not achieve the allocation of a comfortable living space in the city of Kirs, Verkhnekamsky district of the Kirov region. As part of the assessment, the investigation collected the necessary information provided legal support to the veteran, and a few days later he received new housing.

Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin previously drew the attention of his subordinates to the need to monitor the quality of housing provided to orphans on a constant basis.

For example, in Kaliningrad Oblast, media monitoring revealed a story according to which an orphan girl from Neman district was given housing unfit for human habitation. A pre-investigative probe was immediately organized to check the data reported in the story. Despite the fact that, based on the results of the check, the investigation concluded that there were no grounds for initiating a criminal case, the investigators of the regional department of the ICR did not stay away from the girl's problem. In close cooperation with the ombudsman for the rights of the child in the Kaliningrad region, the girl was provided with legal assistance. Subsequently, a comfortable apartment in a new residential building in the city of Neman was transferred to her and her family members under a social tenancy agreement for perpetual use.

The Orel Regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia took measures to restore housing rights of an orphan student of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The girl applied to local authorities with an application for housing, but it was rejected. As a results of measures taken by the investigation, the Orel administration provided housing to the girl.

The Buryatia Republican Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia was investigating a criminal case into negligence against the Chairman of the Committee on Infrastructure of the administration of the municipal formation of the Kizhinginsky District. Ten orphans were recognized as victims in the criminal case, and during the preliminary investigation and after its completion employees of the investigative department of the Republic of Buryatia provided them with consulting assistance in drafting statements of claim, provided them with necessary copies of documents from the criminal case, and explained to them how to participate in civil proceedings. At present all the victims have been provided with new living premises.

In the Udmurt Republic, on the initiative of the Investigative Department, targeted social assistance was provided to a large family raising 11 adopted children. In particular, two of the orphans in this family, who were on the consolidated republican list of persons in this category, this year were provided with comfortable one-room apartments in the city of Sarapul.

In the Ryazan Region, an orphan child until the age of majority was under guardianship, lived in a family and was not promptly notified of the timing and procedure for submitting documents to the guardianship authorities for registration as a person in need of housing. In June 2021, the head of the Ryazan Regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, having learned by chance about the problem of the orphan, received him at a reception in the investigation department and prepared a letter to the administration of the municipality, as a result, in August 2021, the 19-year-old orphan was provided with housing.

Thanks to the measures taken, including by the investigating authorities, citizens from among orphans and children left without parental care received housing in the Tambov, Bryansk, Kursk, Kostroma, Omsk, Saratov regions, the republics of Tatarstan, Crimea, Adygea and other regions.

Investigative authorities will continue to take the most effective measures, including through high-quality and prompt investigation of criminal cases on violations of the rights of socially unprotected citizens.

30 September 2021 14:27

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