
The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia held a working meeting with the Commander-in-Chief of the Financial Guard of the Italian Republic

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin held a working meeting with the Commander-in-Chief of the Guardia di Finanza of the Italian Republic Giuseppe Zafarana.

The Italian Financial Guard, like the Investigative Committee of Russia, performs the tasks of combating economic and corruption crimes, terrorist financing and money laundering.

Interaction between the law enforcement agencies of Russia and Italy is strategic, partnership-based, and based on mutual trust and respect.

The potential for international cooperation is realized both in the provision of legal assistance in criminal cases and in the area of law enforcement assistance aimed at countering specific crimes, including economic, corruption, terrorism and extremism.

Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin noted that: "In the practice of the Investigative Committee of Russia there are already good examples of cooperation with the competent authorities of Italy, in particular, in the criminal case of the former Russian high-level official M. Abyzov. The Investigative Committee sent a number of requests for this case, which were executed. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia emphasized that, if necessary, the Investigative Committee of Russia is also ready to provide possible assistance to the Italian law enforcement authorities at a high professional level.

Mr. Dzafarana, in turn, explained that the example of the criminal case mentioned by the head of the Investigative Committee "illustrates the fact that the fight against financial crime is transnational. Today, this type of crime no longer recognizes any borders and most often affects several states. Therefore, strong and effective cooperation between the competent authorities of different states is required to combat them. He also expressed his readiness to continue further cooperation in a number of areas, including the exchange of experience.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia thanked his Italian colleagues for the possibility of distance learning for the Investigative Committee staff at the International School of Advanced Training on preventing and combating organized crime in Italy and participation in online trainings organized by the School of Financial and Economic Police of the Italian Financial Guard. The practical knowledge gained is sure to find its worthy application in the service activities of employees who have undergone educational programs.

Taking into account the significance and effectiveness of Russian-Italian cooperation, at the conclusion of the meeting the participants agreed on the possibility of concluding an agreement on cooperation in criminal proceedings.