The criminal investigation into the misappropriation of funds on a large scale completed
The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia has completed the investigation of the criminal case against Mikhail Moskalev, the former director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Repair and Construction Directorate" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. He was charged with committing crimes under Parts 3 and 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of Russia (misappropriation of funds on a large scale).
The grounds for the initiation of this criminal case were the materials received from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation M.A. Murashko to the Investigative Committee of Russia.
The investigation established that Moskalev fictitiously employed his daughter as an accountant and misappropriated more than 1 million rubles accrued to her as a salary. He also misled the cashier and received more than 700 thousand rubles from the cash desk, which were intended as salaries for two employees of the enterprise. Moskalev committed these unlawful acts between 2017 and February 2020.
By his actions Moskalev caused property damage to the enterprise in the amount of more than 2 million rubles.
The investigation has collected sufficient evidence, in connection with which the criminal case was sent for transfer to the court.
02 December 2021 19:12
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