The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee Instructs Officials to Transfer the Criminal Case on the Provision of Services That Do Not Meet Safety Requirements, as a Result of Which a Child Was Injured in Sakhalin Oblast, to the Central Office of the IC for Further Investigation

In connection with the repeated appeal to the IC of Russia by a resident of Sakhalin Oblast, who is the grandmother of a disabled child expressing her dissatisfaction with the progress of the investigation of the criminal case initiated on the fact of providing her daughter with medical services that do not meet safety requirements (Part 1, Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia instructed officials to transfer the criminal case to the investigators of the Central Office of the IC of Russia in order to ensure the most complete and unbiased investigation.

The applicant believes that during the management of her daughter’s pregnancy, the doctors did not reveal signs of fetal hypoxia, which, according to her, led to damage to the central nervous system of the newborn and subsequent disability.

Earlier, the Chairman of the IC of Russia had instructed B.B. Bazarov, the head of the ID of the IC of Russia for Sakhalin Oblast, report on the progress of the investigation of this criminal case, as well as on the investigative actions and procedural measures taken after the personal appointment with the woman in September 2021, as a result of which a number of officers of the Investigative Department were brought to disciplinary responsibility, and the criminal case was taken under control in the Central Office of the IC. Also, the top officials of the Forensic Expert Center of the IC of Russia were instructed to get involved and conduct a re-examination, which is currently in its final stage.

16 February 2022 11:30

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