The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia instructs to investigate the provocation of the Military Forces of Ukraine in Kramatorsk

The Chairman of the IC of Russia instructed to investigate another provocation of the Ukraine nationalists, connected with dissemination of false information on the actions of the Russian military in the Donbas.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces made a strike by the battlefield rocket system «Tochka-U» in the civil targets in the Kramatorsk city of the Donetsk People's Republic. The broken parts of the rocket were found close to the railway station. But the Ukraine part is telling the misleading rumors,  stating that the blow to the city was inflicted by the Russian military. As you know, the Russian army does not have such systems.

The Investigative Committee of Russia will provide the legal evaluation of the actions of those, who disseminated the misleading information about Russian troops. Besides, within the investigating process about the application of the prohibited means and methods in war, the criminal evaluation will be provided   to the criminal actions of those who gave and executed the orders of shelling the civilian target.

08 April 2022 14:20

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