The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia instructs to launch a criminal case against the statements expressed by the Novosibirsk Deputy

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russian Federation Mr. Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin has instructed Mr. Zaripov V.B acting Head of the Investigative Directorate for Novosibirsk oblast to launch a criminal case against the statetsments expressed by Ms Helga Pirogova - the Deputy Member of Novosibirsk City Council as a result of the prior inspections.

As it was reported earlier, the Novosibirsk City Council Members have filed a complaint and a request to the Chairman of the IC of Russia to prosecute Ms. H. Pirogova, after she published the negative comments in social networking sites about the Russian servicemen killed on action.

On the instruction of Mr. A.I. Bastrykin - the Head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, the investigation is a subject to control in the Main Investigative Directorate.

22 July 2022 10:51

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