The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee instructs to submit a preliminary report on the results of the criminal investigation launched on the dismantling of the stele in honor of the 45th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Novosibirsk

The investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Novosibirsk oblast continue to investigate a criminal case launched on the instruction of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia on the fact of dismantling the stele in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (paragraph "b", Part 2, Article 243.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - destruction or damage to military graves, as well as monuments, steles, obelisks, other memorial structures or objects perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland or its interests or dedicated to the days of Russia's military glory).

Currently, a set of investigative actions is being carried out aimed at identifying the persons responsible for the dismantling of the historical structure, specifying the officials of the mayor's office of the Novosibirsk city and the administration of the Zaeltsovsky raion.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia instructed Mr. Zaripov V.B., Acting Head of the Investigation Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Novosibirsk oblast, to submit a report on the identification of persons involved in the crime as soon as possible, to present a report on the role of Mr. Anatoly Lokot, Mayor of Novosibirsk, in the current situation and to report on the measures taken for the full restoration of the monument.

23 September 2022 11:20

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