The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal investigation against members of the organized crime group accused of murder and attempted murder in 1995 is finalized

The Main Investigation Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has finalized the criminal investigation against Mr. Walter Weber and Mr. Dmitry Madenov, accused of murdering two persons and attempted murder of two persons by a group of persons in collusion, committed in a manner dangerous to the lives of many people, as well as in the illegal acquisition, carrying and storage of weapons (Article 102, Part 2, Article 15, Article 102, Part 1, Article 218 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR), in 1995. In addition, Mr.Walter Weber is accused of murder in 2004 by an organized criminal group, as well as illegal acquisition, storage, transportation and carrying of weapons (Part 2, Article 105, Part 3 Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The investigation detected that in June 1995, during the dispute between two criminal gangs, the mentioned above defendants arrived at one of the capital's cafes, where Mr. Gennady Berkaltsev, the leader of the criminal group, and his friends were spending their time. The accused shot them from the weapons they had. As a result of the bullet wounds Mr. Berkaltsev and his bodyguard died on the spot, two more persons who were with them were taken to a medical facility in Moscow, where they were promptly provided with medical assistance.

Subsequently, Mr. Walter Weber decided to kill one of the eyewitnesses of the crimes, who in 2003 began to cooperate with Law Enforcement Agencies. On the instruction of Mr. Walter Weber, unidentified persons acting with him as part of an organized group, in July 2004 fired at least 9 shots from three firearms at the victim, who was in the car near his house, as a result of which the victim died on place.

The criminal case with the approved indictment was submitted to the court for consideration.

The Investigating Authorities continue their work in identification of other persons involved in the commission of the mentioned above crimes, as well as other episodes of the criminal activity of this organized criminal group.

14 October 2022 14:09

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