The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Congratulations of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia on the New Year

Dear Colleagues, Veterans of the investigation and Great Patriotic War Veterans, Students, Cadets! Dear friends!

Happy New Year 2023! We meet it with residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson Oblasts, which became part of the Russian Federation in the outgoing 2022. More than 500 investigators, forensic specialists and experts of the Investigative Committee of Russia are currently serving on the liberated territories. The establishment of territorial investigative bodies in these regions proceeds in full swing. Over the past year, a lot of work has been done to investigate the crimes committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine against civilians, assess the damage caused by them to residential and civilian infrastructure. In addition, Officers of the Investigative Committee carried out more than 70 humanitarian actions to these territories, during which they delivered food, essentials, medicines and dressing supplies, and much more to civilians. The investigators from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka joined this impulse to help. An example of this is the rally "From Kuzbas to Donbas".

Our Cadets and Students also contribute to humanitarian work. They know the heroes of their country, write warm letters to the fighters of the Russian army, forward them hand-made crafts to the front so that they know how proud they areб ,how much we love them and wait back home!

Dear colleagues! New Year is the kindest and most magical holiday, which is expected not only by children, but also by adults. Thanks to you, thousands of families will spend these days in a homely, warm atmosphere, I speak about those, who arrived from the territories where hostilities are fought, who lost their property due to the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who survived the loss of their loved ones, and separation from loved ones. You, like nobody else, supported them, trying to resolve all emerging problems and questions as quickly as possible. Hundreds of children are enjoying their favorite sports and arts again, receiving the necessary medical care, restoring health, making plans and dreaming of great achievements thanks to your caring and sincere desire to help. And the adults who raise them know that they will never be left alone with their problems again, that a reliable Officer's shoulder is nearby.

Following the traditions of independent investigation, established more than 300 years ago, we strengthen the security of the State and protect the rights of our citizens, constantly improve the quality of our work, increase its effectiveness. In 2022, we celebrated the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter I. Commemorative plaques were installed on the buildings of 24 Investigative Directorates in honor of the Investigators of the “Major’s” Offices, associates of the Great Emperor. This is a story that we pass to the younger generation of investigators, who, together with it, adopt the experience of their older comrades and, of course, veterans of the investigation. I am sure that we will be able to adequately meet all the challenges and fulfill all the tasks that will be in front of us in the coming year.

I wish all Officers of the Investigative Committee of Russia good health, peace and prosperity in their families, because it is a source that we draw strength and inspiration for future achievements from, I wish great happiness and the fulfillment of all desires! Be happy in the New Year!

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

General of Justice of the Russian Federation Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin

31 December 2022

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