The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

A sentence has been passed on the commander of a unit of the nationalist battalion "Azov," banned in Russia, who shot three civilians

The evidence collected by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was deemed sufficient by the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's Republic to pass a sentence on Peter Shuflin, the commander of a unit that belongs to the banned in Russia nationalist organization "Azov." He has been found guilty of committing crimes under Part 1 of Article 356 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruel treatment of civilians, use of prohibited methods and means of warfare in armed conflict), and paragraphs "a," "z," and "l" of Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the RF (murder of two or more persons committed by an organized group, motivated by political and ideological hatred).

The investigation and the court have established that in March 2022, Shuflin, along with his comrades, was stationed in the city of Mariupol in the Donetsk People's Republic with the goal of executing a combat mission to maintain the occupation regime in the specified territory.

In the evening of March 14, 2022, three unarmed civilian men were brought to a command observation post located at Flotskaya street, 133 in Mariupol. These individuals were not participants in the armed conflict and posed no threat to the military formations of Ukraine.

This information was reported directly to the commander of the nationalist organization "Azov," who gave the order to kill those civilians. Following this order, Shuflin, along with another serviceman, escorted the three men to the building located at Azovskaya street, 45 and shot them. The victims died at the scene from received gunshot wounds.

The court sentenced him to life imprisonment to be served in a high-security prison.

03 June 15:40

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