The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The investigation continues into the circumstances of abuse in the land use of the Omsk city park

Taking into account the public outcry and numerous complaints by citizens, the Investigative Committee of Russia has initiated a procedural investigation into violations regarding the use of land in the Omsk Park of Culture and Leisure named after the 30th Anniversary of the Komsomol (VLKSM). Local residents filed many complaints with law enforcement agencies about the cutting down of park trees and the development of commercial properties on the park’s territory by the Kedr company, which leased the land.

While investigating the matter, investigators obtained convincing evidence of abuse of power by the Deputy Director of the Property Relations Department of the Omsk City Administration, Yulia Shvetsova. She extended the lease term for the land plot with Kedr LLC, despite the fact that the organization had not commenced construction. Having a signed lease agreement would have subsequently allowed the organization to acquire the land on preferential terms. On April 2, 2024, a criminal case against Shvetsova for abuse of authority was opened.

Despite clear evidence of abuse of authority by the official, the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, A.V. Razinkin, twice made the decision to cancel the launch of a criminal case.

Moreover, investigators obtained information indicating that the rights to land plots within the park territory were fraudulently acquired by the director Kedr LLC, Igor Tolchev, regional legislative assembly deputy Dmitry Pavlov, and municipal deputy Dmitry Sakhan.

Investigators believe that, by signing lease agreements for three park plots to build sports and entertainment facilities, they actually constructed a shopping center on one of the plots, and on the second plot made an asphalted area and an unfinished building instead of a sports complex, for which they subsequently acquired the land plot at a reduced price without bidding. On the third plot, they planned to build another shopping center, cutting down trees in the process.

In this regard, on June 4, 2024, a criminal case for fraud against the three aforementioned individuals for fraud was opened. Despite clear evidence of the crimes, on June 7, 2024, First Deputy Prosecutor General A.V. Razinkin once again canceled the decision to launch the criminal case.

In addition, the investigation has established that a forged document—a technical plan that was used to make a court decision —was submitted to the court, subsequently obliging the Omsk administration to put into service a non-existent public recreation facility. Subsequently, based on this fact, Kedr LLC acquired one of the park's land plots at a discounted price.

Taking this fact into account, the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia re-opened a criminal case for fraud and falsification of evidence in a civil case (Articles 159 and 303 of the Criminal Code of the RF). As part of the criminal case, Pavlov, Sakhan, and Tolchev have been detained. Motions have been filed with the court to impose on them pre-trial detention measures.

10 June 12:47

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