The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Two more participants in the 1999 attack on military personnel in the North Caucasus have been detained

The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasian Federal District is investigating a criminal case regarding a military clash on October 4, 1999, near the village of Chervlennaya in the Shelkovsky District of the Chechen Republic between the military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation performing a combat mission, and members of illegal armed groups belonging to the detachments of Basayev and Khattab. The investigation has obtained evidence implicating residents of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra Murtazali Alimgireev and Alimkhan Kadrashov, in committing these crimes.

The investigation established that in 1999, Alimgireev and Kadrashov voluntarily joined a gang under the overall leadership of Basayev and Khattab and actively participated in committing crimes. Thus, early in the morning of October 4, 1999, in the village of Chervlennaya in the Shelkovsky District of the Chechen Republic, the gang members, including Alimgireev and Kadrashov, positioned themselves strategically and, acting in coordination under Khattab's overall leadership, waited for the arrival of servicemen of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and then launched an armed attack on the soldiers. As a result of the gang’s intense gunfire, 15 servicemen were killed, and 28 others sustained various degrees of injuries.

With the assistance of the FSB of Russia, the "S" Directorate of the FSB Special Forces Center, and the "Sever" OMON of the National Guard Directorate for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alimgireev and Kadrashov have been detained under Article 91 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the RF. They have been charged with committing crimes under Articles 279, Part 2 of Article 209, and Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the RF (armed rebellion, participation in a gang, and assault on the life of military personnel). Due to the severity of the committed crimes, the court has imposed a pre-trial detention measure on the accused.

Currently, with the participation of the accused, urgent investigative and other procedural actions are being carried out in order to establish their role and actions taken in a stable armed group, and their involvement in the commission of other crimes, not related to the criminal case under investigation, is also being verified.
Investigators, with the operational support of Russian FSB officers, continue to identify the participants in the attack who are evading law enforcement.

The criminal investigation continues.

13 June 09:45

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