The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The court in Moscow granted the investigation’s request to issue an arrest warrant for the commander of the Ukrainian military unit

The Khamovniki District Court of Moscow has granted the request of an investigator from the Main Military Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to issue in absentia an arrest warrant for Colonel Nikolai Dzyaman, the commander of the 138th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade (military unit A4608) of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

On February 23, 2024, an aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces was patrolling the Russian airspace. According to the investigation, Colonel Dzyaman, fully aware that the aircraft in question was not intended for combat operations, was unarmed, and was flying exclusively inside the Russian airspace, gave an unlawful order to his subordinate military personnel to destroy it. These actions resulted in the death of 10 crew members and the destruction of the aircraft.

Dzyaman has been charged in absentia with committing a crime under clause "b" of Part 3 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the RF (terrorist act resulting in people’s deaths), and he has been placed on the federal wanted list.

17 June 18:37

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