The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Former head of the department of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Irkutsk Region was sentenced to 13 years in a strict regime colony for accepting bribes in housing purchases for orphans

The evidence gathered by the investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Irkutsk region was deemed sufficient by the court to convict 45-year-old former employee of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Irkutsk Region. He was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 5 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the RF (receiving a bribe in a large amount), Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the RF (receiving a bribe in an especially large amount), clause “b” of Part 4 of Article 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the RF (legalization of funds in an especially large amount), and Part 1 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the RF (abuse of official powers).

According to the investigation, in 2020, the head of the housing department of the Ministry of Property Relations of the region was personally receiving bribes for performing illegal actions and inactions aimed at creating preferential conditions for participation in procurements and limiting the number of participants in procurements, signing acceptance-transfer acts of residential premises for orphans under the conditions of state contracts.

Investigators have established that the total amount of bribes exceeded 17.5 million rubles.

The convict planned to use part of the funds received as bribes to purchase an apartment for personal use worth 14 million rubles. He arranged the purchase agreement for the apartment in his mother’s name and later entered into a gift agreement with her, based on which he obtained ownership of the apartment purchased with criminally obtained funds.

In addition, between 2018 and 2020, the head of the housing department of the Ministry of Property Relations, being aware that the residential premises purchased for orphans under state contracts did not meet the requirements, signed acceptance-transfer acts for the residential premises, which led to significant violations of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and the legally protected interests of society and the state, causing severe consequences.

The criminal case is comprised of 47 volumes. As a preventive measure, the investigative authorities seized the property of the accused, worth approximately 18 million rubles.

The court sentenced the accused to 13 years of imprisonment in a strict regime colony with a fine of 30 million rubles and banned him from holding certain positions for 10 years.

25 June 12:00

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