The Head of the Department will receive a report on the progress of the investigation of fraudulent land transactions in the Moscow Region
A news report on one of the federal television channels exposed fraudulent activities involving land plots in several districts of the region, including the town of Staraya Kupavna in the Noginsk district. According to the report, two entrepreneurs lease land plots, erect non-permanent structures on them disguised as houses, then register these plots and sell them at significantly higher prices. Local residents expressed dissatisfaction with the deforestation occurring due to this scheme of selling land plots.
In response, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region has launched a criminal case based on signs of a crime stipulated by Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud).
The Head of the department instructed Acting Head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region, Ya.A. Yakovlev, to report on the investigation of the criminal case and the preliminary established circumstances. The execution of this directive has been placed under the control of the central office of the Investigative Committee.
10 July 20:10
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