The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Two more defendants will stand trial for attack on Pskov division soldiers in 2000

The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Federal District has concluded investigating criminal cases against residents of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic: Taimuraz Nakusov, Anzor Batyrov, and Aslanbek Kazanchev. They are accused of committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the RF (participation in a gang), Article 279 of the Criminal Code of the RF (armed rebellion), and Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the RF (attack on the life of military personnel).

According to the investigation, on February 29, 2000, Nakusov, Batyrov, and Kazanchev, as part of a united armed gang under the overall leadership of Basayev and Khattab, participated in an attack on soldiers of the 6th Company of the 104th Regiment of the 76th Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces, which took place in a mountainous and forested area near the village of Ulus-Kert in the Shatoysky District of the Chechen Republic, at an altitude of 776.0. Having taken their positions, they aimed and fired at the soldiers with automatic weapons.

The attack, which lasted until the morning of March 1, 2000, resulted in the deaths of 84 military personnel, and four more soldiers sustained injuries of varying severity.

The investigation has gathered sufficient evidence in order to send the criminal cases against Nakusov, Batyrov, and Kazanchev to court for trial.

Previously, 24 participants in the attack had been sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Seven individuals have been declared wanted in connection with the criminal case.

Criminal prosecution against two individuals has been terminated due to their deaths—they were killed while providing armed resistance. Cases against nine other individuals are being considered by the courts.

In cooperation with operational services, operational-search activities, as well as investigative and other procedural actions, continue to identify all members of the gang involved in the attack. The investigation of the criminal case continues.

15 July 17:41

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