
The Court sentences participants of the MV Arctic Sea hijack

The court has recognized the evidence assembled by the General Investigative Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation sufficient to sentence Aleksey Andryushin, Dmitri Bartenev, Igor Borisov, Aleksey Buloyv, Vitaly Lepins and Evgeny Mironov. They were found guilty of a crime under part 3, article 227 of the Criminal Code (piracy).

Investigation and the court found that the convicts in an organized group on the night from 24 to 25 July 2009 carried out the hijack of the MV Arctic Sea with the Russian crew aboard. A few days later, after the discovery of the vessel by the Russian Navy, the hijackers were detained and the Russian crew released.

It should be noted that this is a unique criminal case for the Russian court, which has no analogues in the investigative practices of the Russian Federation. Criminal investigation into the hijack of the Arctic Sea was carried out in close cooperation with the competent authorities of a number of foreign countries, including Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia. The investigators of the Investigative Committee had been working on the open sea for over two weeks, had performed a large amount of investigative and other procedural work to collect evidence against the convicts. Total volume of this criminal case is more than 50 volumes.

Arkhangelsk regional court sentenced Borisov to 12 years imprisonment, Andryushin, Bartenev and Boolean to 10 years imprisonment, Mironov and Lepins to 7 years imprisonment. They will serve the sentence in the high security colony.

Other three hijackers of the vessel Arctic Sea, including the organizer of the attack, Dmitry Savins in the course of a criminal investigation pleaded guilty and made a plea bargains. In 2010 Savins was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment to be served in the high security colony, the other two hijackers of the vessel Andrey Lunev and Serges Demchenko were sentenced to 5 and 3 years imprisonment respectively.

Despite the fact that the organizers and participants of the Arctic Sea hijacking, the General Investigative Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is continuing to investigate this criminal case. Investigation and operational-search activities aimed at establishing and arraigning customers and accomplices of hijack of the vessel Arctic Sea.