The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Two residents of Dagestan convicted for banditry in Chechen republic

The court has recognized the evidence collected by the North Caucasus Federal District Main Investigations Department of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict residents of Dagestan Republic Abdulgani Dzhumagishiev and Ismail Abaidullaev. They were found guilty of crime under part 2 of article 209 of the RF Criminal Code (banditry).

The investigation and court have established that Dzhumagishiev and Abaidullaev in early 1999 voluntarily joined a steady armed organized group called “Sary-Suisky dzhamaat” which was a part of a combined gang led by E.Khattab. In this organization they participated in an attack on 4 October 1999 near the village of Chervonnaya of Shelkovsky district in the Chechen Republic on militants of the military unit 34605 carrying out a battle mission of a counter-terrorist operation. The attack claimed lives of 15 militants, 28 soldiers were injured.

The court sentenced Dzhumagishiev to 11.5 years, Abaidullaev – to 9 years, both in high-security correctional facility.

20 June 2012 18:16

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