The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

The forester of the SPI in the Kirov Region "Kirovlestsentr" accused of committing a series of official crimes

Investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Kirov region have accused the forester of the Gorokhovsky rural district forestry of the Yuryanskoe forestry of SPI in the Kirov region "Kirovlestsentr" 27-year-old Alexander Fomin of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art.285 of the RF Criminal Code (abuse of power), Part 3 of Art.260 of the RF Criminal Code (illegal cutting of forest stands), and Part 2 of Art.292 of the RF Criminal Code (forgery - 13 episodes).

According to investigators, Fomin, acting for mercenary motives in order to assist his father, engaged in timber harvesting, made an agreement with the tenant of forest land, in the territory of which the timber harvesting was carried out, on the non-registration of the detected forest violations. In the course of subsequent examinations of these allotments the defendant has repeatedly put false information into the acts of verification of work performed, covering thus admitted forest violations.

In addition, using his official position, the defendant has forbidden a local entrepreneur to harvest timber in one of the districts of the Gorokhovskoe Forestry, relegating timber harvesting to his father’s brigade.

As a result of these actions the Department of Forestry of the Kirov region has suffered material damage, totaling about 3 million rubles.

Currently, investigations and operational search activities are carried out under this case to establish all the circumstances of the crime. The criminal investigation continues.

10 August 2012 20:30

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