The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigation of case over murder of 5-year old Bogdan Prakhov in Petushinsky district of Vladimir region continues

The Vladimir region investigative bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in close cooperation with the Interior Ministry and regional Directorate of Federal Penitentiary Service continue investigation of a case over a murder of 5-year-old Bogdan Prakhov.

The search and investigation group is carrying out a wide complex of measures to identify and detain the perpetrator. A number of forensic and biological expertise of traces, objects and micro particles found during numerous examinations of the crime scene have been set up. With the assistance of the specialists of the SK Central Office the data allowing identification of a criminal have been obtained by investigating and forensic way. Main Forensic Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee is quickly carrying out ID examination of the materials. Investigators work round-the-clock to find the murderer, more than 300 men have been checked on involvement in the crime. The area of search covers the Vladimir region and neighboring regions. Investigation operation with the participation of witnesses have been carried out which allowed to restore the precise timing of the events.

Investigative Committee asserts that a purposeful work to solve the especially grave crime against a child will be continued until positive results.

We once more note that media continue to spread untrue, unverified information, including that referring to investigation bodies about possible attacks on other children in the region, about catching the criminal and actions by law enforcement bodies.

In this respect, we repeatedly warn media representatives on inadmissibility of spreading unverified information destabilizing the situation, causing unnecessary panic and subjective attitude towards the work of the search and investigation group.

26 June 2012 11:30

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