Address of the reception office of the Investigative Committee: Moscow, ul. Pervaya Frunzenskaya, d 3a
Address for writtent applications: 105005, Moscow, Tekhnichesky Pereulok, 2
Esteemed colleagues!
Over several years there has been a reduction in the number of registered crimes in the Russian Federation. This year the tendency remains unchanged.
Thus, over the past 5 months the number of crimes has dropped by 7% and amounts a little less than a million (965,066).
In 17 regions, however, criminal situation has deteriorated. The most significant increase of crimes is registered in the Tuva Republic (+8%), Novgorod Region (+10%) and Chukotka Autonomous District (+19%).
We are particularly worried by the large number of grave and especially grave crimes, which is estimated as still amounting to one quarter of the overall number of crimes (27%). And the most of these crimes, as you all well aware of, are within the competence of the Investigative Committee.
In 26 regions of the country the number of murders has gone up. The most disturbing situation is registered in the Khabarovsk territory (+36%), Yaroslavl Region (+42%) and Murmansk Region (+106%).
In 28 subjects of the Russian Federation the number of grave injuries involving through negligence the death of a victim has picked up. Difficult situation is developing in the Kaliningrad and Tambov Regions (increase from 14 to 20 crimes or by 43%), Mordovia Republic (from 10 to 16 or by 60%), Pskov (from 17 to 34 or by 100%) and Magadan Regions (from 3 to 9 or by 20%).
The fact that in 49 (!) regions the number of rapes has increase is also very disturbing. The highest increase is in the Republic of Adygea (eightfold increase, from 3 to 23 crimes) and Magadan Region (from 1 to 15 crimes).
Heads of the mentioned investigations directorates should most carefully analyze the reasons for such a sudden surge of especially grave crimes and immediately together with other competent bodies to take the most active measures to prevent it.
So the more, you needn’t go far - one third (33%) of the crimes in Russia is committed by former convicts. And this demonstrates highly unsatisfactory work for their social adaptation.
The fact that more than three thousand minors (3,149) have committed crimes under the influence of alcohol (+11%) also suggests the lack of preventive measures.
There is plenty to think about and to work on!
Esteemed colleagues!
This year there have already been registered 283 crimes of terrorist nature (-8%) and 318 crimes of extremist nature (+13%).
We shouldn’t forget that these are crimes the most dangerous for our citizens. The main task of the investigating bodies is together with field services make people feel safe. There are a lot of positive examples of such achievements.
Thus, this year owing to timely taken anti-criminal measures extremist football fans have been convicted in the Ulyanovsk Region.
These fans before the Russia’s football Cup match between the Ulyanovsk team Volga and FC from Dagestan Anzhi distributed leaflets with offences in the address of residents of the North Caucasus region.
In Saint-Petersburg criminal activity of an organized criminal group of 10 young people who for a long time committed extremist crimes against people of the North Caucasus, Asia and Africa has been stopped. It was proved that the members of the group are guilty of a number of grave and especially grave crimes including 10 murders.
In connection with the particular danger of such crimes I would like to draw your attention to the following: It is necessary to more actively reveal reasons and circumstances facilitating these crimes. For this we should more efficiently involve capabilities of mass media, public associations and representatives of religion.
A citizen in our state should feel safe and sure of security of relatives and property. This is what shows the efficiency of work by the whole law enforcement system.
That is the reason why an important place in our investigative efforts should be taken by efficiency of crime preventive measures.
Application of investigators should not be pro-forma and be submitted for a tick in the report. And the most important – an investigator has to seek fulfillment of their proposals on elimination of reasons and circumstances which facilitate crimes.
Esteemed colleagues!
This year we have continued to actively solve crimes of past years.
Over 5 month of this year our investigators have solved more than three thousand five hundred of such crimes (3,583) in criminal cases suspended in the past years which is almost 500 crimes more than in 2011. And this is a lot! They include 363 murders, 193 facts of intentional infliction of grave injuries, 139 rapes and 703 other grave or especially grave crimes.
In addition, about 2.5 thousand (2,436) crimes of past years, not registered before – including 12 murders, 10 facts of intentional infliction of grave injuries involving through negligence the victim’s death, 57 rapes, 139 facts of violent sexual crimes and 686 other grave and especially grave crimes.
It should be noted that in the most directorates this work is of proper level.
For example, the number of solved crimes of past years has considerably increased in the Amur (from 7 to 24), Vladimir (from 14 to 45), Kursk (from 8 to 34) and Pskov Regions (from 3 to 21).
But the number of solved crimes of past years has manifold abated in such regions as the Yaroslavl (from 77 to 23) and Kaliningrad Regions (from 32 to 10), and in the Jewish Autonomous Region (from 8 to 2).
Investigators of the Volga Environmental Investigating Directorate have not sent into the court any cases of past years. I believe there are grounds to ask some heads of departments about reasons of low efficiency of specially created analytical groups!
I will go over to the results of the work.
This year (5 months of 2012) our investigators have been investigating almost 105 thousand criminal cases (104,543), which is by 17 thousand cases more than the same period last year. About 42 thousand cases have been completed (41,520). Almost all of them (90%) have been forwarded to the court.
Our employees have had to work in difficult conditions. We know how much effort and time has been spent to reveal criminal activity of 14 members of organized criminal community in Saint-Petersburg who had committed 6 murders of socially unprotected people in order to misappropriate their flats; of Tsapok gang in the Krasnodar Region; to expose savage parents as killers of their own 9-month-old daughter Anya Shkaptsova in Bryansk; to suppress outrages of policemen in Kazan and other crimes drawing close public attention. No doubt, it is the result of persistent work and responsible attitude of our employees to their duties.
It should be noted that this year the large work on investigation of cases (more than 3 criminal cases) has been coinciding with a lot of visits to crime scenes (almost 85 thousand (84,668) and with some increased number of messages on crimes (441,676 or +6%).
However, there are certain improvements in some directions of our activity. Thus, the number of suspended criminal cases has reduced by 3% (5,707; over 5 months of 2011 – 5,890).
We succeeded in reducing the number of people cited unlawfully (-14%, 156 people; over 5 months of 2011 - 181). The number of people evicted by the court has also considerably dropped (from 270 to 210 or -22%) including those taken into custody (-36%, 46 people; over 5 months of 2011 - 72).
It is very comforting that 21 investigating departments have not allowed any violations of rights or freedoms of citizens (in 2011 – 15 departments).
These are very conspicuous figures. I consider it important to stress that to a large extent it is the result of higher exactingness of Main Directorate for Procedural Control whose work has also become more effective. This is a credit of its head Arkady Viktorovich Mazhaev.
As for territorial investigating bodies, the most efficient were investigators of the Novgorod and Oryol Regions, the Republics of Adygea, Karelia, North Ossetia – Alania and Chuvash Republic, of North Siberian, North Western and Urals Transport Investigations Directorates ranking a top ten.
There are directorates that have not been the best yet, but their improvement is showing.
Thus, certain positive results have been achieved this year by heads of Moscow city Main Investigations Directorate (Vadim Vladimirovich Yakovenko) and Kemerovo Region Investigations Directorate (Andrei Yurievich Bunev), who have managed to considerably improve indicators of investigative work.
This was also facilitated by a complex of measures to improve the situation with preliminary investigation, on tightening procedural control. Thus, in the capital investigators have successfully investigated criminal activity by Mirgorod who committed 15 murders and rapes of women and a minor in Moscow and the Moscow Region. And in the Keverovo Region investigation has been finished against 18 members of a criminal community, where officials of Internal Affairs also participated.
The abovementioned, by the way, applies to other heads of investigations directorates as well who are ranking at the bottom ten of the results table.
In addition I would like to draw the attention of heads of The Rostov Region, Khakassia Republic and East Siberian Transport Investigations Directorates to the necessity of improvements in preliminary investigation, as the proportion of cases returned by prosecutors for additional investigation in these directorates is significantly higher that at the average throughout Russia (from 9 to 16%, and in RF – 3%).
There is a just question: Where is the current preventive control? The main reasons of such situation are usually inaccurate timing and placing of the crime, way and motive of committing, guilt of the criminal and amount of damage.
It is often happens that the description part of formal charge does not correspond to its resolute part. The disposition of Criminal Code articles, qualifying indications, details of statutory acts which serve as the base for charges are stated inaccurately.
It also happens often that indictments in formulations of charges do not correspond to formal charges. They often lack a list of evidence the sides of the legal proceedings are referring to, as well as extenuating and aggravating circumstances.
Eventually, prosecutor and the court grind our noses in these “children” mistakes. But this is you – heads of investigating bodies – should reveal those shortcomings. And you equally with the investigators should take responsibility!
Yet, for truth’s sake, it should be noted that heads of investigating bodies and investigators try to hold their positions in criminal cases.
Over 5 months of this year the requests have been filed on abolition of 476 prosecutor’s decisions on returning criminal cases in line with article 221 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation for additional investigation and elimination of shortcomings.
Superior prosecutors have abolished 58 or 12%of such decisions. For comparison: over 12 months of 2011 this figure was only 9%. I think that this can even be improved in future.
Esteemed colleagues!
This year there is a negative tendency towards longer times of investigations. Their number from the number of those sent to the prosecutor and discontinued amounts to 39% (over 5 months of 2011 – 34%).
And in some regions, such as the Republics of Tuva and Khakassia, in the Irkutsk and Rostov Regions it amounts to more than 70%.
At each meeting of the Investigative Committee board we have discussed a question of improvement in pre-investigation checks. Yet, over 5 months of this year there have been abolished more than 40 thousand (41,733) resolutions on rejection to initiate a criminal case (over 5 months of 2011 – 39,413). Almost half of them have been abolished by prosecutors (19,029).
For truth’s sake it should be noted that as much as more than 7 thousand of abolitions made up of resolutions made by investigators in 2012. The rest – about 12 thousand of resolutions abolished by prosecutors were made before 2012. That is why, unfortunately, I have to state that after some powers of prosecutors had been expanded when the Investigative Committee was created, there was developed a practice far from constructive of abolition by prosecutors of investigators’ resolutions on rejection to initiate a criminal case.
Mostly this activity by prosecutors has assumed a formal character and boiled down to race for statistical data. There is a considerable increase of the number of repeated (additional) pre-investigation checks.
Thus, for example, in 2010 prosecutors initiated abolition of 30 thousand of resolutions on rejection to open a criminal case. In 2011 this figure amounted to 48 thousand.
It often happens that the abolition by prosecutors the resolutions on rejection to open a criminal case is caused by insufficient study of the materials by them, which is shown by the orders to carry out operations, that have already been carried out, or their law qualification which prevent them from evaluating correctly the materials and determine their legal prospects.
The result of this race for statistical result – in 2010 from 30 thousand of additional checks initiated by prosecutors 338 criminal cases were instituted (1.1%), and in 2011 – only 0.6% (from 48 thousand – 271 criminal cases).
Meanwhile, such practice entails considerable increase of work in investigating bodies, distracting investigators from probing into grave or especially grave crimes, makes for longer time of investigations, leads to waste of efforts and time of not only investigators, but citizens who have to go to investigating bodies for the second time.
The above-mentioned tendency has a negative influence on citizens’ trust to law enforcement. Moreover, prosecutors unfairly abolishing resolutions on rejection to open a criminal case do not take any responsibility for such decisions.
Speaking about improvements of quality of investigations and procedural checks I would like you to pay attention to necessity to improve qualification of investigators through intensive educational system realization. In most cases average working experience of investigators amounts to 2 years.
Thereby you are obliged to orientate your inferiors on the most reasonable approaches to making decision limiting rights and freedoms of a person.
The words by a pre-revolutionary criminologist Spasovich (Vladimir Danilovich) are topical for our investigators: “In order to deal with the huge amount of evidence collected, it is necessary to have a lot of special knowledge, to state proofs in strict logical order widely and skillfully using knowledge in various law fields”.
But our investigators are yesterday’s students. It is difficult for them to make out everything at once.
Even more so, because we work in very difficult conditions, demanding maximum commitment, efforts and time including personal one. Many investigators can’t bear it. Some of them leave because they understand that this is not their true vocation.
Recently, I have heard very disturbing rumors of so-called staff turnover, that people flee, and I want to say the following.
There is nothing wrong in the turnover of investigators, since the investigator is a profession of fanatically committed people who in spite of all difficulties are ready to work hard day and night. Those who leave are strangers to the system, and those who are truly loyal to their work stay.
And these young committed investigators have to be constantly coached.
This implies their chiefs as well because most of them are investigators in the past. They should be taught leadership, as even if yesterday they were good investigators, that does not mean that tomorrow without any special training they will become good leaders. And this is you who should teach them.
Thereby I remind that a head of an investigating body of any level has to ensure four management functions, namely: planning, organization of work, staff motivation and register and control of fulfillment. The process of decision making for you will be predictable and logic if it is based on the mentioned activities.
Your work has to be built systematically and aim at quick decision making, improvement of quality and reduction of time of investigations, efficient procedural control for protection and lawful interests of citizens.
Now let’s move over to our work against corruption crimes. We still pay special attention to this subject. Lack of persistence in this area, as all of us are well aware of, creates conditions for the public being unsatisfied. But if we talk objectively, there are positive results in this area.
This year we have received over 20 thousand (20,118) messages on corruption on which we have initiated almost 10 thousand criminal cases (9,842) which is on every second message. Moreover, in 10 investigations departments the amount of cases opened make up 75% of the amount of messages considered.
In all, investigators probed into more than 13 thousand (13,171) of such cases.
The most of corruption criminal cases have been investigated in investigating bodies in the Nizhny Novgorod Region (331), Altai Territory (339), Sverdlovsk Region (398), Moscow (418), Republic of Bashkortostan (457), Moscow (598) and Chelyabisnk Regions (728).
Investigation of 2.5 (2,529) thousand criminal cases has been completed. Almost all of them are forwarded to the court, including 13 cases against organized groups and 2 – against criminal communities. Moreover, during investigations more than 3 thousand (3,023) corruption crimes have been solved additionally.
This year the Investigative Committee has been actively implementing the state anti-corruption policy – decisions to cite have been made against 343 persons with a special legal status.
There are among them 260 deputies and heads of local authorities, 6 deputies of law-making bodies of Russian subjects, 9 prosecutors, 26 lawyers, 29 investigators of different departments, 1 judge and 4 members of election commission. Overall, since 2008 we have cited for criminal violations more than 3,200 officials of mentioned categories (3,239).
This demonstrates that this work should not only be continued, but systematically and persistently expanded.
It is most important to coordinate efforts to counter bribery in sate authority bodies as the most dangerous examples of corruption. And today we are going to discuss measures we need to work out to improve efficiency of battling against corruption crimes in budgetary and financial fields by persons with a special legal status.
I will make only one distinctive example showing the degree of cynicism some officials come to driven by their greed. As you know in June last year in the Udmurt Republic explosions of ammunition at one of military units damaged houses in the village of Malaya Purga.
Government sent huge funds to repair the houses. However, there were resourceful people who instead of returning normal living conditions to people, used the emergency situation for their own enrichment. Thus, the Udmurt Republic Investigations Directorate has investigated a criminal case against a deputy of local authorities body, a sole proprietor (Markovin), who did not fully accomplish the refurbishment and under fictitious documents unlawfully got more than 3 million rubles form the budget. Even this single example proves what harm can be caused by unlawful actions of state and local authorities officials.
It is no exaggeration to say that especially urgent is the problem of corruption among law enforcement officials who are persons whose first duty is to combat against it.
Criminal cases against 544 law enforcement officials have been sent to the court, including 28 officials of the Federal Migration Service; 129 employees of Federal Penitentiary Service and 93 employees of Federal Bailiff Service; 37 officials of Federal Drug Control Service and the same number of EMERCOM employees; 36 officials of customs and 22 employees of the Federation Taxation Service.
Former Head of Central Logistics Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Major General Cheishvili and former Director of the Office for Combating Organized Crime in SIC countries Lieutenant General Bokov have already been convicted for corruption. We have cited for corruption a number of other high-ranking officials of the Russia’s Ministry for Internal Affairs.
As the figures show the most of corruption crimes are committed by officials of internal affairs bodies.
I will focus on one more critical area of our activity – combating raids. Over 5 years of this year our investigators have already been investigating 156 criminal cases on raids of enterprises which is by one and a half times more than the same period last year (94). Indictments are made on many of these cases and the property seized by the perpetrators has been returned to owners.
The fact that this year in Volgograd 6 members of organized criminal group have been convicted for raid of trade area worth more than 100 million rubles also shows the scale of the work we do.
Brief summary on the situation in the North Caucasus.
As you know a meeting of Governmental Commission on Social and Economic Development of the North Caucuses Federal District was held in Grozny on 19 June 2012. The supposed funding of the state program till 2025 amounts to 1 trillion 700 billion rubles.
So the investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has to focus on the number of tasks first of all on prevention of possible corruption which is embezzlement of budget funds allocated for stabilization of the situation in the North Caucasus Federal District and timely averting terrorist attacks.
Already now we are successfully managing these difficult tasks. Thus, investigators of the North Caucasus Federal District have finished investigation of 199 corruption criminal cases.
The most pronounced results are in the investigating bodies of the Republic of Ingushetia (29 criminal cases), Chechen Republic (30) and Dagestan (46). In the above-mentioned regions 100% of completed cases have been sent to the court.
One more important task for us is in conjunction with field services of the Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Federal Security Service to immediately suppress activity of members of organized criminal groups involved in murders of citizens and law enforcement officials of the North Caucasus Federal District.
It is necessary to simultaneously continue building prevention system. And for that we should more actively use the potential of the Public Council of the North Caucasus Federal District created on the initiative of the Presidential Plenipotentiary in the District Alexander Gennadievich Khloponin.
The ability of investigating bodies’ staff to explain the people the position of the Investigative Committee on protection of Constitution, territorial unity, rights and freedoms of citizens.
As an example: an active position in this area is taken by officials of the Stavropol Region Investigations Directorate who have 198 times made statements in media and officials of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic Investigations Directorate (74 statements in media).
The leadership of our country is implementing ambitious tasks for protection of rights and lawful interests of children.
Vladimir Putin’s Presidential Decree of 1 June 2012 approved National Children Interest Strategy up to 2017.
It outlines major areas and tasks of state policy in the interests of children and key mechanisms of its realization. The first and foremost measures are the following: development and approval of the law outlining the bases of state family policy and reforming custody and guardianship agencies and commissions for juvenile affairs. In addition, legal mechanisms guaranteeing participation of both parents living separately in upbringing the child should be improved.
I would like to note that National Strategy provides for many proposals of the Investigative Committee including to found a non-commercial partnership Russian National Monitoring Help Center for Missing and Injured Children. This is what we have been seeking for a number of recent years.
Monitoring Center is necessary to unite efforts of the state and citizens in searching for the missing children, prevention and suppression of violent and sexual crimes including those committed with the use of information and telecommunication networks.
Issues of protecting rights of socially unprotected groups of people, first of all children, are of especial concern for us. And we together with the citizens we are carrying on an uncompromising struggle for the sake of our young generation. Over only 5 months of this year the investigating bodies of the Investigative Committee have investigated more than 5.5 thousand crimes committed against minors (5,691). Among them 199 murders, 460 rapes, more than 3 thousand violent and other sexual actions.
The mentioned figures show only one thing – there is a real war against our children. Such situation required adequate measures of the state.
The Investigative committee, as you well aware of, is actively participates in this work. Thus, in order to protect minors against sexual violence, seduction and abuse we supported the initiative of the Saint-Petersburg Legislative Assembly on criminal citing for public calls for or approval of sexual intercourse or other sexual actions with minors.
In addition, in connection with the Federal Law “On protection of children against information damaging their health or development” efficient from 1 September 2012, we believe that we should also consider in more detail the issue on criminal liability for illegal spread of products containing information provoking children into actions threatening their lives or health, including damaging their health or suicide if it entailed through negligence the child committing mentioned actions.
Esteemed colleagues! Concerning this sore for all of us subject I would like to note that every day media report on violence against children.
In this connection, while investigating the crimes against minors I am demanding to take under control not only the investigation itself, but to take efficient measures to prevent them, more efficient interrelation with state and local authorities, children’s ombudsmen, non-governmental organizations.
I am also demanding to immediately initiate criminal cases over all facts of deaths, missing or injuries of children on the basis of established facts indicating possible signs of crimes, to completely, thoroughly and objectively find all circumstances of such emergencies and prosecute the guilty ones. Searching for missing children we should actively co-operate with volunteer organizations wishing to render the investigating bodies help within their powers.
The population should be quickly informed through television, radio, press and Internet about the results of investigations of crimes against children in order to form positive public opinion about activity of the investigating bodies of the Investigative Committee.
It is more efficient prevention of such crimes I would like you to pay special attention to. This is our work. Thereby the responsibility will be the strictest. I am sure that by joint efforts with participation of all interested bodies, comprehensively approaching the problems of prevention of crimes and offences we will achieve actual positive results in protection of minors.
Esteemed colleagues!
One of the most important areas of our work is the work with applications form citizens. And we regard it as the key element of realization of their constitutional rights.
Thus, this year the Investigative Committee has already received more than 42 thousand of applications which is almost 10 thousand applications more than during the similar period last year. Among them more than 11 thousand (11,030) through Internet-reception of the Investigative Committee alone.
The number of application through a helpline has grown threefold (6,557), 447 applications are sent through receptions of Chairman of the Investigative Committee in the subject of the Russian Federation. All this shows that citizens trust us with their problems and announce that applying to the Investigative Committee is the last chance to seek justice, the place where they are always welcome and not only will be heard out attentively, but where their messages on offences of law will be efficiently checked. In other cases they can receive here necessary explanations and the applications will be sent to subordinate body with obligatory notification.
Speaking about this most important for the population of our country work I would like to note that recently the number of complaints on decisions of the courts has considerably increased. Thus, from 110 recently received by me personally application from the citizens 21 applications (20%) contain complaints about actions and decisions of the judges.
A lot of complaints have their grounds. Often application are filed against the decisions of judicial bodies on arbitration cases, on which applicant parties do not find answers to their questions in judicial instances.
Moreover, the applicants complain about unfair, in their opinion, actions of the judges who allow violations of procedures. And those include such as misrepresentation of dates in the minutes of hearings; putting in the minutes information about alleged participants of hearing, but in fact dead people; falsification of evidence.
But, unfortunately, these arguments are not considered by courts of justice. As an example, in the Krasnodar Region in 2011, at the reception of citizens by the commission of the Central Office 62 out of 235 applications concerned actual appeals by applicant parties against sentences and decisions of the regular and arbitration courts, and contained demands on criminal citing the judges for knowingly unjust decisions. I have informed about this inadmissible situation the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
The nature of application also shows that prosecutor’s supervision leaves much to be desired as well. Thus, in the same region –the Krasnodarsky Territory, where this year I personally have received citizens for three times, 30% of citizens complain about prosecutors who do not respond to their applications in any way, and one third of citizens complain about unjust decision of courts on civil actions or their non-execution.
Thus, for example, Mr Kalinchenko complained to me about inertness of the police who had done nothing about the beating of Mr Kalinchenko, as well as about unlawful actions by officials of Krasnodar who had been trying to dispose of his house and land. The prosecutor’s office in this case had done nothing to protect his rights. Mr Dzyuba complained to me about non-receiving the answers from Zamoskvoretsk inter-district prosecutor’s office of Moscow.
At personal reception in Sochi on 25 June 2012, a mother of a small child asked for my assistance. She complained that in spite of the judicial decision she could not restore her and her child’s rights on their housing (earlier her house had been destroyed by the fire), and a 76-year-old retired Mr Chernov asked to help to retrieve his land which had been unlawfully given to another person by the Sochi city administration.
A lot of people seek help in retrieving money stolen by swindlers during housing development. On 25 June this year in Sochi Mr Fomenko, a deceived shareholder, addressed me with such request, as in spite of the sentence for the director of the fake firm the damage had not been recovered. And all of you know very well that there are many such cases.
In this connection, the Russia’s Investigative Committee has developed a draft law “On protection of crime victims’ rights” which is aimed at practical implementation of provisions of the Russian Federation Constitution on protection of rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen. As provided for by the draft law the crime victims’ rights are protected by the law and the state ensures their access to justice and damage recovery.
The draft law provides for foundation of the Federal Victims Help Fund to recover damages and provide other social assistance to crime victims. It is proposed to finance this fund with the confiscated money acquired by crimes, fines set as a criminal penalty, money from the sale of arrested property, and from the Federal budget. At present the Finance Ministry is working on the draft law.
Concluding the speech I would like to draw the attention of heads of investigating directorates to the necessity to keep positive results and to take efficient measures to eliminate shortcomings.
An in conclusion I will stress the following priority tasks.
First. In close cooperation with other law enforcement agencies I demand pay especially close attention to investigation of any criminal cases over extremism, and crimes encroaching lives, health of property of people, and other most important rights of a human and a citizen.
Second. It is necessary to enhance our efforts in investigating corruption, raids and tax crimes. In conjunction with supervising and controlling agencies to promptly suppress any embezzlement and stealing of budget funds.
Third. To ensure efficient investigation of grave and especially grave crimes committed by minors or against minors. To promptly and competently consider each message about such crimes.
Fourth. To take efficient measures to improve the quality of preliminary investigation and reduce its term. To achieve strict observance of constitutional rights of participants in the criminal proceedings. To more actively use house arrest and bail as preventive punishment.
Fifth. To more actively use the results of considering the applications for working out advantageous managerial decisions in organizing the work of investigating bodies.
Sixth. To improve the results of prevention each day. To seek for immediate elimination of causes and circumstances of crimes.
Seventh. Heads of the mentioned investigations directorates have to find reasons of violations and deal with every chief of district or city investigating body, by evaluating their work, and no later than this September to hear their reports at operations meeting considering their compliance to the job.
Eighth. To persistently maintain building of highly-professional staff and securing competent managerial and investigating personnel.
We should focus all our efforts on these tasks to the end of the year.