The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Progress of the investigation onto death of 7 people in fire in Perm territory

The Perm Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continue investigating a criminal case opened over death of 7 people, three of whom were children, during a fire at night of 8 November 2012 in the village of Sars of Oktyabrsky district.

According to investigators the fire, occurred near a 22-flat wooden house with 72 registered tenants, destroyed most part of the roof, in the first section two flats on the second floor and a stairwell were completely burned down, several flats on the first floor were partly burned. The second section stayed almost unharmed. The amount of the damage is under verification. According to preliminary conclusions of medical forensic examination the bodies of the tenants found during elimination of the fire died of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. During examination of the bodies no traces of criminal death were found. The fire killed 2 families: in the first one – mother, father and two children aged 8 and 16, in the second – mother, her adult son and her 11-year-old adopted daughter.

At present the operational investigating group has completed examining the incident scene, investigating and procedurals operations are underway to establish fully and comprehensively the circumstances of the incident. The fire technical expert examination was assigned to find causes of the fire. Investigation is to be continued.

08 November 2012 16:10

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