The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Helicopter Mi-8 crash is checked in the Omsk Region

On 17 November 2012, around 6 p.m. local time in Sedelnikovsky district of the Omsk Region, a helicopter Mi-8 owned by Utair airlines and travelling Krapivinsky deposit-Sidelnikovo crashed during the landing.

Investigating bodies of the West Siberian Transport Investigations Directorate have organized the pre-investigating check into the fact. It was preliminarily established that there were 19 passengers and 3 crew members aboard the helicopter. As a result of the accident 6 passengers were injured. The injured were delivered into a hospital and are under treatment.

At present measures are being taken to establish all the circumstances of the accident. A procedural decision will be made after the check.

17 November 2012 17:00

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