The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow criminal investigation launched against USA citizen over evasion of customs duties on an especially large scale

Moscow Inter-Regional transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched criminal investigation against a 63-year-old USA citizen, an owner of a small jewelry workshop Leon Landver. He is suspected of a crime under paragraph “d” of part 2 of article 194 of the RF Criminal Code (evasion of customs payments collected from physical persons on an especially large scale).

According to investigators on 9 September 2012 Landver flew in Domodedovo airport from Geneva, Switzerland. There, crossing the customs union border he took a “green corridor” for passengers (physical persons) who do not have any goods subject to compulsory written declaration. There he was stopped by a customs inspector for customs control. During a personal search, the officer found and seized from Landver 161 pieces of jewelry and a watch of famous maker worth more than 25 million rubles. This way, Landver evaded paying customs payments of more than 8 million 500 thousand rubles.

At present investigating operations are under way to establish all the circumstances of the crime. After the conclusions of forensic expert examinations are received, the materials of the case will be sent to court. Investigation is to be continued.

22 November 2012 13:17

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