In Chuvashia former Minister for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the republic found guilty of abuse of official powers
Court has recognized the evidence collected by the Chuvash Republic investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee as sufficient to convict former Minister for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of Chuvash Republic Anatoly Nikolayev, 46, and a former director of municipal institution for children’s supplementary education “Children and youth sports school of sports and games “Spartak” of Directorate for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of Cheboksary city administration (hereinafter – Sports School “Spartak”) Innokenty Koshkin, 52. They were found guilty of a crime under article 285 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code (abuse of official powers).
Investigators and Court have found that Koshkin being director of Sports School “Spartak” and at the same time of a non-governmental organization Cheboksary Sports Club “Spartak” (hereinafter – non-governmental organization “Spartak”) agreed with Nikolayev during sport competitions and training musters of federal level in Sports School “Spartak” which had necessary premises and equipment, the agreements on rendering services by these premises the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourismof Chuvash Republic would conclude not with the direct owner of the premises, but in defiance of the laws – with non-governmental organization “Spartak” which had not necessary property for that. As a result, 17 tournaments and musters including those among the sportsmen with problems of musculoskeletal system were held in Sports School “Spartak” between 2007 and 2010. Moreover, the Ministry for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism basing on the documents signed by Nikolayev unlawfully transferred 1.9 million rubles to non-governmental organization “Spartak” as a payment for the services in fact rendered by Sports School “Spartak”. Only a part of the money – 260 thousand rubles – later on instructions of Koshkin were transferred to the accounts of the municipal institution. Thus, Ministry for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism inefficiently disposed of more than 1.64 million rubles and Sports School “Spartak” sustained damage of the mentioned sum of money.
During the inquest, investigators carried out 4 large examinations, including a construction one and audit, more than 120 witnesses were interrogated. Investigators seized relevant documents both from Chuvash Republic and Moscow.
The court sentenced Nikolayev to a fine of 200 thousand rubles and 50 thousand rubles – to Koshkin.
23 August 2012 16:21
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