The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee sent more files on Deputy Gudkov to State Duma

Investigative Committee has sent more files containing details on violation by Deputy of State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter State Duma Deputy) Gennady Gudkov conditions of his legislative and other powers, that is on his violation of limitations, prohibitions and duties stipulated by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation.

In particular, the document tells about Gudkov’s participation in managing private security firm Security Agency Pantan through controlled by him commercial organizations. This way, since 25 December 2008 Gudkov has been the only participant and recipient of profit in OOO Roshan (Ltd.). In its turn OOO Roshan is a founder of OOO Multisectoral production and commercial firm VARIANT (Ltd.) which is a member of OOO Pantan. OOO Multisectoral production and commercial firm VARIANT also established OOO Firm Oskord-Ts which owns shares in authorized capital of OOO Pantan.

Moreover, the facts were revealed that Gudkov had patronized OOO Pantan by demanding of law enforcement body to immediately stop checking its activity.

In these conditions, investigators believe, that there are good grounds to assume that Gudkov being Deputy of State Duma, has violated requirements of federal laws and actually participated in managing a business entity and patronized it as well.

Investigative Committee offered State Duma to consider this information within its powers to find violations of his duties committed by State Duma Deputy Gudkov (articles 4 and 9 of the Federal Law of 08.05.1994 N 3-FZ “On status of member of Federation Council and status of Deputy of State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”).

State Duma is informed that Investigative Committee continues a procedural check against Gudkov, following which a decision will be made in the order stipulated by article 145 of Criminal procedure Code of the Russian Federation. In addition other vital documents on actions by Gudkov, including those received from State Duma Deputies will be checked as well.

03 September 2012 15:05

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