The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Stavropol Territory leading expert specialist and former Deputy Head of Regional Office for Federal Property Management suspected of official crimes

Stavropol Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched criminal proceedings against former Deputy Head of territorial office of Stavropol Territory Federal Agency of Federal Property Management and a leading expert specialist of Evaluation Department of the said office. Depending on the role of each one, they are suspected of crimes under part 1 of article 285 (abuse of official powers) and part 2 of article 292 of the RF Criminal Code (official forgery).

According to investigators, in September 2007, the Deputy Head with the leading expert specialist put knowingly false information in a statement “On determining market price of real assets”, stating that the report on evaluation of market price of real assets at inadequate prices had been received. On the basis of this statement the Deputy Head illegally issued an order to sell the property of federal state unitary enterprise North Caucasus Airgeodesy Enterprise by which he allowed selling of federal real assets at lower price with the purpose of its further conversion into the property of an organization, founder of which was his wife. These illegal actions resulted in over 6 million 900 thousand rubles of damage to the budget of the Russian Federation.

At present necessary investigating operations are under way to establish all the circumstances of the crime. Investigation is to be continued.

21 September 2012 13:00

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