The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Yaroslavl Region head of the regional migration service and head of department of the service suspected of attempted bribe-taking

Yaroslavl Region Investigating bodies of the Russia’s investigative Committee have initiated a criminal case against Head of the Regional Directorate of the Federal Migration Service Natalia Stepanova and Head of one of the Departments Natalia Grishchenko suspected of a crime under part 3 of article 30, paragraphs “a” and “c” of part 5 of article 290 of the RF Criminal Code (attempted bribe-taking by a group of persons under a preliminary conspiracy and on a large scale). The criminal investigations have also been launched against a founder of one of commercial societies of Yaroslavl Sergey Molodyakov, suspected of a crime under part 2 of article 291.1 (intermediary in bribery), part 3 of article 30, paragraphs “a” and “c” part 3 of article 291.1 of the RF Criminal Code (attempted intermediary in bribery).

The crime was revealed due to professionally planned operations carried out by officers of the Investigative Committee, Main Directorate of Inner Security of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Investigation and Search Operations Department of Internal Security of the Yaroslavl Region Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to investigators, in February 2012, Stepanova, Grishchenko and Molodyakov entered a preliminary conspiracy to patronize different organizations in case of administrative misdemeanors and violations of migration laws. In September 2012, Molodyakov for patronizing by officials of Yaroslavl Region Directorate of Federal Migration Service of illegal labor of 85 foreign citizens personally demanded from CEO of one of construction organizations to give him 3 thousand rubles each months for each one of the workers, in all – 225 thousand rubles. Recieveing in October 2012 the stipulated money Molodyakov retained part of the sum and gave to Grishchenko 125 thousand rubles. She took the money to the Yaroslavl Region Directorate of the Federal Migration Service and left it on her office table. Acting as was earlier agreed, the next day Grishchenko gave money to her immediate superior – head of Regional Federal Migration Service Stepanova. After Stepanova had received the bribe, the money were found and seized.

At present investigating operations are underway to establish all the circumstances of the incident. All the suspects are detained. Investigators have sent a petition to the court on putting them into the custody as pre-trial retraining measure. Investigation is to be continued.

13 October 2012 14:32

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