The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alcohol found in blood of the pilots of An-28 crashed in Kamchatka

Far Eastern Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigating a criminal case initiated over crash of An-28 plane in the Kamchatka Territory, on signs of a crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Criminal Code (violation of the rules for traffic safety and operation of air transport involving by negligence death of two or more people).

As part of the investigation, the investigators received conclusions of medical forensic expert examinations of An-28 pilots’ bodies. The chemical tests of biological fluids and tissues of the bodies found 0.92% of ethyl alcohol in the captain’s blood and 4.42% in his urine which is conditionally equals to a minor alcoholic intoxication. The same test found 2.03% of ethyl alcohol in blood and 2.98% in urine of the second crew member, which is equal to average alcoholic intoxication.

In connection with the above mentioned most blatant violations of flight safety rules the investigators are going to give the principled legal treatment to actions of officials responsible for permitting pilots to flights. Investigation is to be continued.

15 October 2012 10:10

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