The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow charges brought in absentia to an internationally wanted surgeon

Moscow investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have charged a surgeon Elchin Mamedov in absentia with signs of crimes under paragraph “c” of part 2 of article 238 (rendering of services which do not meet safety standards to lives or health of consumers entailing by negligence a grave injury or death), part 1 of article 238 (fulfillment of works or rendering of services which do not meet standards of safety to lives or health of consumers as well as wrongful issue or use of an official document which certifies compliance of the said goods, works or services to safety standards) and part 3 of article 327 of the RF Criminal Code (use of a knowingly forged document).

According to investigators, in the period between August 2006 and October 2008 Mamdov worked as a surgeon of the first surgery of non-state healthcare institution N.A. Semashko Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 OAO RZhD (OJSC) without a surgery certificate and using a knowingly forged certificate. In the period between April and September 2008, the suspect carried our several operations on three female patients. As a result one of them is still in coma and she suffers a grave injury to her health. Two others sustained medium injuries to their health. One of them after liposuction on her hips could not walk for a long time, and during the operation on the other one the surgeon left a tissue in her breast.

In addition, Mamedov, no later than 2 August 2006, acting out of personal interest and wishing to perform operations submitted to N.A. Semashko Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 OAO RZhD (OJSC) a knowingly forged document – a specialist certificate and had the right to perform operations not connected with oral surgery. The same certificate was later submitted by Mamedov to faculty of advanced training of doctors of Russian University of Peoples Friendship of Russian Ministry of Education and Science and was extended to further 5 years that is up to 30 April 2016 which gave him a right to illegally perform operations not connected with oral surgery.

At present Mamedov is internationally wanted.

16 October 2012 16:00

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