The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigators in Tyumen Region carry on looking into causes of hang glider crash killing a pilot

A motorized hang glider crashed at the airfield in the town of Yalutorovsk, Tyument Region in the evening of 10 August 2013. The owner of the hang glider was piloting and died in the crash. The investigating bodies of the Urals Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee are carrying out a pre-investigating check into the crash.

Investigators have found that the hang glider was piloted by 57-year-old Vladimir Ivanov from Tyumen, a civil pilot with longstanding experience of piloting airplanes of AN-2 kind before retirement. But he did not have any experience in piloting motorized hang gliders. He bought the hang glider and kept it unused in a hangar at Yalutorovsk airfield from June until 10 August 2013. In this view investigators are considering a pilot’s mistake as the main version of the crash.

The pilot’s body has been sent to be analyzed in forensic bureau. Witnesses have been questioned. A number of investigating operations are underway to find all the circumstances of the accident. Based on the results of the check a procedural decision will be made.

11 August 2013 17:29

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